Hashicorp Vault Dev Mode

Ever needed to spin-up a quick Vault cluster to test commands or functionality? Sure, you could spin up minikube and deploy a helm chart, but what if you could do it even faster, without Kubernetes?

Vault actually has some *currently* undocumented command-line options that can save you a ton of time. Read on, brother.

I debated on even writing a post about it because it’s so simple. It’s literally a command-line flag -dev-three-node . Below, I’m redirecting STDERR to STDOUT and redirecting to a file called output, if you’re not a Linux fan.

$ vault server -dev-three-node -dev-root-token-id="root" > output 2>&1 &

I redirect to a file because the output is too fast to catch the needed info. Let’s use head to see the useful bits.

$ head -30 output
==> Vault server configuration:

                     Cgo: disabled
 Cluster Parameters Path: /tmp/vault-test-cluster-282710121
              Go Version: go1.16.12
               Log Level: info
      Node 0 Api Address:
      Node 1 Api Address:
      Node 2 Api Address:
                 Version: Vault v1.7.9
             Version Sha: 571cd46419fe273d75de1e0d5aa46af60a222961

==> Three node dev mode is enabled

The unseal key and root token are reproduced below in case you
want to seal/unseal the Vault or play with authentication.

Unseal Key 1: +V7oGQ/q3lHGgWoVjRgKxS0OLUs9KZs8aDppOMWcYDFj
Unseal Key 2: ZlmQLgpPohGOAb7m1XUfikiHSneei+AFIwxyqmkNAq5H
Unseal Key 3: tHr08qqUd7GAtcfY+ynqo6+Go2vovj1wbdGIQtSWJ/r0

Root Token: root

Useful env vars:

==> Vault server started! Log data will stream in below:

Alrighty, let’s just export those variables and we can begin using our cluster!

$ export VAULT_TOKEN=root
$ export VAULT_ADDR=
$ export VAULT_CACERT=/tmp/vault-test-cluster-282710121/ca_cert.pem

Ok, let’s make sure vault is on the same page as us by checking its status.

$ vault status
Key             Value
---             -----
Seal Type       shamir
Initialized     true
Sealed          false
Total Shares    3
Threshold       3
Version         1.7.9
Storage Type    n/a
Cluster Name    vault-cluster-7a71b0b6
Cluster ID      75e763bc-78f1-9783-8cc4-505a5a5861d9
HA Enabled      true
HA Cluster
HA Mode         active
Active Since    2022-03-09T02:12:27.947440981Z

Looks good! We can now start testing whatever we need. In future posts, we’ll explore more of the cluster and play with some of the available vault secrets engines.





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