Tag: smartos

  • Change theme for project-fifo Web UI

    Change theme for project-fifo Web UI

    Exploring more of Project-Fifo, I happened upon this gem.  You can change the web UI theme! Log into your fifo server and edit /opt/local/fifo-cerberus/config/config.js then simply set the theme to dark. Clear your browser cache and reload the WebUI. Here’s what it will look like. If you want to customize the theme further, you can…

  • Nginx and Letsencrypt on SmartOS

    acme_tiny is a nice, small utility for creating and renewing your doman SSL/TLS certificates. It’s less than 200 lines of bash and just works. Here’s how to set it up and have your certificate automatically renewed once a month. First, let’s get things installed; nginx and the acme-tiny client and setup the necessary directories. Add…

  • Install elasticsearch 5.x on SmartOS

    Whenever possible, I like running software in containers instead of kvms. Aside from the obvious performance gains, server density increases significantly since you’re not kidnapping huge chunks of DRAM from the OS and holding it hostage. I recently had a need to setup an elasticsearch 5.x cluster on a SmartOS machine. It was mostly straight-forward…